Texas drivers convicted of driving without auto insurance or driving while intoxicated can have their driver license suspended.
If your Texas driver license is suspended, you will be required to file an sr-22 and will be considered a high risk driver.
Driving while intoxicated (DWI) and driving without auto insurance in Texas carries severe fines and penalties.
Much stiffer fines and penalties apply to driving while intoxicated,
but drivers caught driving without auto insurance can have their driver license suspended and will only qualify for high risk auto insurance.
The state minimum liability auto insurance limits required for all drivers in the state of Texas is 30000/60000/25000.
Texas drivers required to file an sr-22 with the Texas department of public safety (DPS) are required to carry at least a minimum liability auto insurance policy.
Thesr-22 filing will be needed for two years and you will require high risk auto insurance.
Texas DPS has a system to verify if drivers are carrying auto insurance called TexasSure.
TexasSure is a vehicle insurance verification database that matches the records of registered vehicles in Texas to personal auto insurance policy information submitted by Texas insurance companies.
TexasSure information can be accessed by law enforcement and county tax officials.
They can verify if auto insurance coverage exists instantly.
State minimum auto insurance is affordable coverage, driving uninsured in Texas will eventually result in being caught.
Driving without auto insurance in Texas is definitely not worth the risk.
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